By:Camille Ortega ‘21
For the past decade, schools, parents, and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire. School uniforms are common in primary and secondary schools in various countries. Uniforms may enhance school unity and community spirit, however, wearing uniforms to school may not be as good as people believe. Students
should be able to go to school dressed as they wish as long as it's appropriate.

While school uniforms may seem quick and easy individuals tend to leave out the fact that it restricts students freedom of expression. Wearing the same collared top with khaki pants or skirts restricts students to show their uniqueness and is rather boring. For example, some students might enjoy wearing vibrant colors, neutral colors and even animal prints, but having a specific dress code prohibits students to do so. It's important to show off your sense of style and demonstrate what fashion means to you.
Furthermore, students should have the right to choose if they want to dress down for school one day. Such as having the option to wear sweatpants or hoodies the days one wants to feel most comfortable. Individuals must understand that children spend most of their day at school so not feeling tight in ones clothing can allow for a student to feel better about themselves.
The uniform policy is also very strict. Students who don't follow the uniform policy throughout the day or on a daily basis are most likely to receive some sort of punishment. In fact, in some schools, jackets aren't to be worn over the uniform. Having to constantly be reminded of the dress code by a teacher can be very time consuming and frustrating. According to, instead of focusing on teaching, teachers spend most of their time checking if students are wearing the correct uniform according to the dress code.

In reality, regular clothes can be bought on sale and the prices are more lenient while uniforms for school are for the most part expensive. Evidence shows that school uniforms impose an extra expense on students families making it an additional responsibility for parents. If anything parents would have to constantly worry about what days the uniforms have to be sent to the dry cleaners.
When wearing uniforms they can be outgrown quickly and then parents will have to buy a whole new set of uniforms. Parents not having to be on top of their child's clothing would be a weight lifted off their shoulders.
Some might even argue that uniforms promote conformity over individuality. While it may seem proper and of a higher standard to have each student dressed the same it would completely be defeating the purpose of students being able to step out of their comfort zone. Studies show that students that don't have the option to wear clothes that suits their body type lead to a negative effect on a students self-image.
Uniforms are supposed to help reduce discrimination in students but studies show that uniforms don’t show any improvement in this area. Students will always be bullied regardless of what they are wearing. School uniforms should not be enforced being that it is driven by commercial interests rather than educational ones. At the end of the day, one should wear what makes them feel best.