By: Sarah Sabino, Class of 21'
President Donald Trump is known to be one of our most controversial presidents in US history. Instigating conflicts through his tweets oftentimes can polarize the nation. Some love him, some hate him. Regardless of which side you are on, there is cold hard evidence that shows why he should be removed from office. His record is not as crystal clear to the public as it should be.
Many Trump supports, and Trump himself, has emphasized the economic growth since his presidency. However, when Obama was president, he improved the economy. According to the Washington Post, at the beginning of Obama’s presidency, the economy skyrocketed upward, and then slightly fluctuated slightly up and down. Since Trump’s presidency, he has kept the economy the same as Obama did. It is also claimed that since Trump’s presidency the unemployment rate has gone down. This is true but by a very low percentage and Trump just kept the same progress Obama initiated.
On December 18th Trump was impeached as a result of breaking constitutional laws, such as abuse of power. A lot of Trump supporters wonder why and wonder what he did. Those same supporters, who are mostly apart of the Republican party, are also very against criminals, no matter what crime they have committed. Well, Trump is in fact, by definition, a criminal. He has broken 10 real laws. He constantly abused his power in many ways. He may not have been removed from office, but he was charged for his crimes. Which is indeed progress.
Trump claims to be an LGBT ally, this is very untrue. First, he made it illegal for transgender people to serve in the army, Trump posted his views on his twitter claiming that transgender individuals will “burden” the military with “tremendous medical costs” and “disruption.” People who are apart of the US military receive free or low priced medical care. It is known that most health insurance companies do not cover the cost of sex reassignment surgery, male chest reconstruction, and so on. So Trump stating that transgender people in the military would be a burden due to them transitioning or in the process of transitioning is unjust. Keep in mind this law is still in place. The Trump administration is trying to allow adoption agencies to deny gay couples from adopting children. According to The New York Times, The Department of Health and Human Services in early November of 2019 released the proposed rule that would revoke the rule Obama placed in 2016 that included LGBT people as protected classes. The governer of Tennesse said he is going to be signing an anti-gay adoption bill on January 21st. 2020. Hopefully no other states sign this bill.
When Trump first became president a very controversial video of him surfaced. Trump was interviewed by Billy Bush, host of TV show “Access Hollywood.” He was talking very lewdly about women. The alarming comment was, “Grab ‘em by the p****. You can do anything.” Trump has “allegedly” assaulted at least 17 women. According to Snopes, one is a 13-year-old girl. The case was dismissed in California in 2016, refiled in New York in 2016, and then dismissed again in November 2016. Legitimate court files are displayed in the sources provided. Would a 13-year-old girl lie about being brutally raped by a grown man? It’s very unlikely that this “accusation” is false. Some of his comments may imply “alleged” assault, yet his actions prove it.
Besides Donald Trump making himself look like an idiot on Twitter, these are legitimate reasons he should be removed from office. However, he won’t be. He won’t be because congress is primarily Republican, as is Trump. But the more people who know his record, the more supporters he can potentially lose. That is the most I can do. Some may say this is “fake news” but as Ben Sharipo so “eloquently” states, facts don’t care about your feelings.
