By: Camille Ortega ‘21

People are being trafficked for many exploitative purposes till this day. Due to human trafficking remaining prominent for several years it is now looked at as modern-day slavery. Human trafficking takes many forms such as forced labor, forced marriage, removal of organs, which allows for the dehumanization of a person whether it is mentally or physically.
Victims of human trafficking are frequently lured by false promises of a job opportunity, stability, education, or a loving relationship. Victims can be men or women, adults or children, foreign nationals or U.S. citizens. While it may seem easy to not accept certain opportunities from strangers traffickers are masters at manipulating making it easier for victims to fall right into this system.
There were 4,460 cases of human trafficking in the United States the year of 2018. According to www. human trafficking can occur both within a country and across borders, while people who are displaced or are forced to undertake irregular journeys are particularly at risk.
Traffickers are also masters in exploiting young girls and know the system in and out. According to domestic trafficking victims are often young girls even as young as 10 or 11 years old who are desperate to find someone who will love and take care of them. These young adolescents can easily be misled by the looks of a man and what they have to offer, making them vulnerable to society.
The trafficking of human organs is a less known aspect of human trafficking however it can be seen as the one that leaves the biggest impact. These victims undergo crude surgeries to remove a kidney, in which then the kidneys are sold off. It is found to be the deadliest and most cruel form of human trafficking.
While some believe that police officers have the security of citizens under control others feel as if that may not be enough. Some believe that schools should also inform their students on the matter and stress how human trafficking can happen almost anywhere. Teresa Albertson was able to discuss how because students have access to different forms of transportation nowadays such as an uber the lives of those individuals can easily be put at risk.
Albertson said, “It scares me it really does because as much as you don't want to scare a child with the way the world is we have to prepare them we have to let them know what's going on.”
Those who are trafficked often experience high levels of trauma, which can have a negative impact on their ability to function. One's life can be severely affected due to this system and can stick with the person for the rest of their life.
Human trafficking cases increase every year making it a more intense subject. Victims can be taken advantage of in almost any way possible. While this system is seen more so in poorer nations it's important to note that no matter one's social class, race, gender it is a present factor worldwide.