By: Camille Ortega ‘21

Flower grams ready to deliver on Valentine’s Day (photo taken by Mrs. Mourao)
Love is in the air and the Dunellen High School Spanish Club is once again giving out flower grams for the 2019 school year. Their main goal is to make Valentine’s Day a bit more special at school. The flower grams include a pink or red flower that is delivered during homeroom on February. 14. Throughout the week in which flower grams are being sold Spanish club members are expected to spread the word and get their friends to buy. It's important to note that students may send whatever message they desire with or without Hershey kisses. Being able to make someone smile on Valentine’s Day is a nice gesture and can make the day a bit more special.
The significance of these carnations represents pride and beauty. Valentine’s Day is a day when it is traditional to send a card, to a person one is romantically involved with. However, the idea of flower grams can also bring out the importance of friendship during the holiday. Writing an inside joke or compliment to a best friend can show that flower grams can not only be sent to one’s significant other.
Spanish club advisor Mrs. Asela Mourao also talked about how with the process of arranging the flower grams it teaches organization and managing a project to the students. She was able to discuss how doing something that's positive can really be a rewarding feeling and an overall enjoyable activity. She even talked about how it has become a nice February tradition at Dunellen High school.
Mrs. Mourao said, “In putting together the flower grams, selling them and sending them out, we get kids from the different grades, different groups of friends to volunteer and help out and seeing them work together and do one activity is really nice.”
Not only do students enjoy sending them out but receiving them is quite interesting as well. Sophomore Emily Bravo said, “After seeing who had sent it I was really touched and happy. It was nice knowing that I had been in their thoughts enough for them to buy me a rose.”
Flower grams may not be the most profitable school fundraiser, but the Spanish club enjoys doing something in which they can make the day more fulfilling for their classmates. People have used flowers to express their feelings worldwide so putting in the time to send one out on Valentine's Day can be very meaningful. Here at Dunellen High School flower grams have been done since 2008.
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